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Home / Private Collections / Starz / Science / Plants / UK Wild Flowers / Wild Plants - June / Great Mullein or Aaron's Rod (Verbascum thrapsus)
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Great Mullein or Aaron's Rod (Verbascum thrapsus)


480 x 640
2142 x 2856

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This tall plant (up to 200cm) is common on wasteground and sunny banks. It has densely packed flowers usually from a single spike. The stalkless leaves have margins that continue down the stem and are covered in downy soft white hairs. The upwards pointing stem leaves funnel moisture or water down towards the foot of the plant. Although most parts of the plant are poisonous, the flowers were once dried and used in a medicine for coughs. The flowers were also used to make a yellow hair dye and the fluffy hairs from the leaves scraped off to make candle wicks. The whole plant has been burned as a flare at gatherings in the past. Picture taken near Bedford 26th June 2006.

26th Jun 2006 by Diane Earl

Biology, Science

Key Stages:
Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 4+

plant flower wildlife poison medicine

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