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Ebenezer Howard's 3 Magnets


452 x 640
2479 x 3508

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Two major problems were causing great concern in the second half of the nineteenth century. One was the uncontrolled growth of towns and cities and the other was the migration of people from the country into the towns.

From the late 1890s Howard began to develop his ideas on how these great social problems could be solved. He adapted and adopted ideas of James Silk Buckingham, Dr Benjamin Ward Richardson and Henry George, among others. However, his greatest inspiration was Edward Bellamy’s book ‘Looking Backward’ published in 1888. This book described Boston in America in the year 2000 AD when the whole American nation was organised on co-operative principles.

In 1898 Howard published his ideas in his book ‘Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform’. Here he proposed that Garden Cities be built separate from the existing towns and cities. The Garden City, including its agricultural belt, would cover 6,000 acres and have a population of 32,000. it would be self contained for employment and social facilities. Each Garden City would be developed by a public company and, as profits were made, any surplus after paying five per cent divided to the share holders, would be used for community benefit.

This very simple diagram illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of life in both town and country and how the advantages of both could be combined through the marriage of the town and country where people would be attracted like iron filings to a magnet.

13th Aug 2009

Art and Design, Citizenship, Geography, History

Key Stages:
Foundation, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 4+

Ebenezer Howard, Barry Parker, Raymond Unwin, garden city, portrait, Letchworth, Welwyn, town planning, architect, inventor

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