Male catkins on Hornbeam. Hornbeam is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30m (usually much less). It has a smooth grey bark but the trunk is fluted or angled rather than round. The buds are shorter and less pointed than beech and pale brown. Twigs are downy and leaves are doubly toothed and pleated along the veins. The leaves are hairless above but have hairs on the veins below. Male catkins are 2-5cm long with oval greenish bracts. Female catkins are smaller enlarging later to form a oval ribbed nut. The hornbeam is native to south east England as far as Norfolk but has been widely introduced elsewhere. It is common in woods and hedgerows on sandy or loamy soils.
31st Mar 2018 by Diane Earl
Biology, Environmental Science, Science
Key Stages:
Foundation, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4
Geocode: Bear Cople Bedfordshrie