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Home / History / Life in Stuart times/Civil War (1603-1713) / Crime & Punishment / Scolds Bridle
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Scolds Bridle


633 x 640
1105 x 1116

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The brank, or 'scold's bridle,' originated around the early 17th century. Most early references date to the 1620's or 30's. It was used 'To curb women's tongues that talk so idle.'
The metal device passed over and round the head and was fastened at the back of the neck by a small padlock. The bridle-bit - a flat piece of iron, about two inches long and one inch broad, went into the mouth, and kept down the tongue by its pressure.

28th Aug 2007 by Diane Earl


Key Stages:
Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, Key Stage 4+

brank scold bridle woman women talk gossip punish punishment torture stuart metal cage head tongue

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