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Copyright, Permissible Usage & Best Endeavours

Copyright, Permissible Usage & Best Endeavours

The copyright for all resources added to the gallery remains with the original owner. When you add a resource to the gallery you will be giving permission for this resource to be downloaded and repurposed for educational use.

NB: A resource cannot be uploaded to the gallery until you have ticked the permissible usage box. The E2BN Gallery ONLY houses resources that are copyright cleared to be downloaded, edited and re-purposed for educational use. If you have any problems with this or require further clarification please contact E2BN: [email protected] for further advice.

Permissible Usage:

"I confirm that these resources are my own and do not have third party copyright restrictions that deny my use of them. I agree that my resources(s) can be included in the NEN Gallery and may be downloaded and used for Educational Purposes only. This includes the editing and repurposing of these resources for use in education. It explicitly forbids any commercial use. It is expected that wherever possible the credit will be given to the resource owner"

Best Endeavours:

The resources on this site have been provided from a wide range of sources. However, every effort has been taken to ensure that the information included:
• Is factually correct
• Does not infringe any copyright
• Has not been taken from other sites or sources without proper attribution
• Is appropriate for the teaching of the topic. Particular care has been taken over the appropriateness of the language used
Despite this we acknowledge that mistakes can occur. If you find anything on the site that you feel requires further investigation, please contact our office [email protected]


E2BN host the Gallery with Easynet who have been Carbon Neutral since May 2006.

E2BN positively encourage the use of the web as delivery mechanism as part of our remit as a Regional Broadband Consortia.

Gallery is an online resource and all assets are delivered digitally, marketing is done online where possible, the only printed materials are promotional.

Page updated: 11 Nov 2011
National Education Network
Developed by E2BN for the National Education Network
E2B® and E2BN® are registered trade marks and trading names of East of England Broadband Network (Company Registration No. 04649057)